First 5 Parent Input Process

Hello Community Partners,

In preparation for First 5 Nevada County’s Strategic Planning process, we are hoping to gather input and feedback directly from parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5. This feedback will help guide revisions to the First 5 Nevada County Commission’s priority areas, goals, and will shape future funding decisions.

In the month of October, we are conducting an electronic survey with parents and caregivers of young children. The purpose of the survey is to gather information on the factors that help families thrive in their parenting journeys and what barriers they may experience when trying to access services in Nevada County.

Who: Parents and Caregivers of children ages 0-5

When: October 1-31, 2022 

How: English Survey and Spanish Survey, as well as a QR code. The survey is offered in English and Spanish and is anonymous unless the participant chooses to share their identifying information.

We appreciate your assistance in sharing this information far and wide. If you have any questions, please contact Melody Easton (