Inflation Relief for Californians

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Millions of Californians are set to get “inflation relief” payments after an agreement was reached Sunday on the 2022-23 state budget.

“The centerpiece of the agreement, a $17 billion inflation relief package, will offer tax refunds to millions of working Californians. Twenty-three million Californians will benefit from direct payments of up to $1,050,” according to a joint statement from Gov. Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

Who can get “inflation relief” payments?

Taxpayers would receive either $350, $250 or $200 based on their income level with an additional payment of the same amount if they have at least one dependent.

  • Single filers who make less than $75,000 would get $350.
  • Joint filers with an income under $150,000 would receive $700. If they have at least one dependent, they will receive an additional $350

What else is in the budget?

  • Gas Tax
  • Climate Change
  • Health Care & Education

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