Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Workplace

Why do we need Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (or DEI) in the workplace? The fast pace of business and daily life brought on by technological advances has businesses clamoring to be more innovative and agile. While hard skills still prevail, soft skills like creativity and teamwork now share center stage because of their impact on innovation. We also live in a time where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are extremely important workplace and social issues. Conversations of racial and gender equality are advancing to the forefront in the living room and in the board room.

Because of these changes, DEI in the workplace is crucial for businesses to meet the demands of a modern landscape. Diversity and Inclusion is also important in providing a platform for social dialogue. When workplaces are diverse and inclusive, business and innovation thrive. When companies can become beacons of positive influence for social change, they attract new talent and even market share.

What is Diversity Equity and Inclusion?

Diversity is about perspective and representation. It encompasses tough conversation and supports inclusion, whether of race, gender, age, socioeconomic, or cognitive differences. Representation from all groups sets companies up well toward providing innovative perspectives to vital business solutions.

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