Stress Free Summer Schedules

Whether your child is five or fifteen, he/she needs to keep busy during the summer months. While it sounds tempting to take a break from the busy school-year schedule, you don’t want to find yourself with a bored child or one that sits in front of the television until school starts again. It is important that your child gets a chance to enjoy his time off from school, but he should also be kept occupied, stimulated, and is able to advantage of all that summer vacation has to offer.

Ways to keep your child busy this summer:

Consider a camp. If you are a working parent who needs your child to be engaged in something all day every day, a camp is a great way to take a break from the traditional childcare you use during the school year. Many camps have full day programs, provide transportation, and offer care before and after. It is not true that the most expensive camp in the most exotic location is the best one. As long as your child is safe and has fun, any camp is a good one. Many community agencies, childcare centers, and schools offer affordable camps. Some camps even have scholarships you can apply for. Ask friends, relatives, and other parents for recommendations. Staff qualifications, safety and emergency procedures, behavior management strategies, and parent communication are some of the things to check out in a summer camp you are considering for your child. For more information, visit Bright Horizons’ article on Choosing Summer Day Camps.

See what your community has to offer. In addition to summer camps, your local community may offer a variety of activities for children, although these may require you to have a flexible schedule. For example, libraries have activities for toddlers through elementary aged children during the summer months. These can include story hours, summer reading programs, and group activities. Children’s museums also often have special events and activities during the summer. In addition, there are sports camps, music camps, and other activities that your community might offer for children that have flexible schedules. For more information and dates/times, check your local paper or contact the recreation department in your city or town.

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