Ideas to Keep Kiddos Entertained this Summmer

Summer is here folks

Summer’s in full swing, and regardless of a very rainy July in most of the Northeast, the kids are on vacation and looking for things to do. Before you give in to the unrealistic notion that your children need to be entertained on a regular basis when they’re not in school, remember that it’s summer – a time for even the most active kids to take a break from organized activities and find ways to entertain themselves.

With several weeks of summer still ahead, this list of practical (and fun) ideas for things kid can do on their own, or with a parent or caregiver, should help you survive until the school bus rolls into the neighborhood again.

1. Pick your own…whatever. Find a farm with blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, flowers, etc., and get picking.

2. Camp out. First-timers, try backyard camping.

3. Camp in. Put the sleeping bags on the floor and have a family slumber party.

4. Rearrange the furniture. Give the kids graph paper and have them draw out a plan first.

5. Invite friends over for a game day. Have a kids’ games table and an adult one too. Candyland, chess, Monopoly, Clue – let the kids pick their favorites.

6. Make your own pizza. Try these recipes.

7. Talk to the animals. Go to a zoo. If there isn’t one nearby, take a virtual zoo tour online.

8. Get wet. Break out the kiddie pools, hoses, and sprinklers. Or if the budget permits, spend the day at a waterpark.

Click here to read the rest of the summer ideas for kiddos.