Self-Regulation Techniques for Parents

As parents, our focus tends to be on teaching our children healthy ways to manage (or regulate) their “big” feelings. We teach them ways to calm their breathing, slow down their thoughts, and release explosive feelings in positive outlets, such as drawing or talking a walk.

But when’s the last time you checked in with your own self-regulation techniques?

Being a parent is one of the most important jobs you will have in your lifetime—and one of the most challenging. Without proper attention paid to our own needs and feelings, the stress can become overwhelming and we might not always respond to that stress in healthy ways.

But knowing what self-regulation techniques work best for you in stressful situations can help you work through those moments.

What is self-regulation?

As adults, we are constantly practicing self-regulation skills. Another way to think of it is “self-control.” Did you purposefully put the donut down and choose oatmeal for breakfast? That’s your self-regulation at work! You are also flexing your self-regulation muscle when you:

  • Keep your emotions in check
  • Resist impulsive behavior
  • Act in a way that promotes your long-term best interest
  • Talk yourself out of a bad mood
  • Calm yourself down when you feel angry

Read the full article here.