Nevada County News

Cashin’s Field, an affordable housing project consisting of 51 units of workforce housing, is one step closer to breaking ground in Nevada City after the Nevada County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved resolutions authorizing a loan to developer for the project and to accept Local Housing Trust Fund matching funds on April 13.

The project, located on Ridge Road, will be a mix of one, two, and three bedroom apartments with rents aimed at 30%-60% of area median income. The project, led by Nevada City with close collaboration with the Nevada County’s Housing and Community Services Department, plans to start construction June 1, 2021. It will utilize a loan of $1,575,000 of Western Nevada County Regional Housing Trust Fund funds to the developer. These funds are comprised of Permanent Local Housing Allocation Funds awarded to Nevada County and Nevada City, State Local Housing Trust Fund matching award from the state for both jurisdictions, and County general funds previously authorized for the project.

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