Nevada County Habitat Forms Advocacy Committee

On Wednesday, March 11th, Nevada County Habitat hosted a virtual town hall, Priced Out! Women, Children & Housing. Featuring a panel that included Megan Dahle, Sue Hoek, Hilary Hodge, Daniela Fernandez and Lorraine Larson, a serious discussion about the current housing crisis ensued, with a number of actionable ideas coming forth in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.

The town hall recording is now available on the Nevada County Habitat website’s Advocacy page. In addition to the video, you will also find:

  • Ways to become involved with the Habitat for Humanity mission.
  • Contact information for the elected officials who took part in the town hall.
  • Access to the websites of  government/NGO entities involved with housing in Nevada County.
  • Access to housing related resources.
The Habitat Advocacy page is a work in progress. New information will be posted as it surfaces. We are currently working on a document that will capture highlights from the town hall, including answers to many of the questions asked during the event. Please check the site for updates as we all move forward.

As a first response to the ideas and issues raised during the town hall, Nevada County Habitat will work to form an advocacy committee that will study and take action on local, state and federal policy issues that affect the housing challenges local families face.

While one of the objectives of the committee will be to influence policy that expands the Habitat mission in Nevada County, we also want to have a voice in supporting the advancement of affordable housing solutions across Nevada County.

If you are interested in learning more about the committee, or becoming a member, go to the Advocacy page and complete the form near the bottom of the page. You can also contact Jim Phelps at for more information.