Featured Newsletter: Nevada County Library

The Nevada County Library’s March Programming Newsletter features a wide range of community programming around the Nevada County Reads & Writes 2021 Selection: National Book Award winner The Round House by celebrated novelist Louise Erdrich.

In The Round House, Erdrich—one of the most revered novelists of our time and a brilliant chronicler of Native-American life—returns to the territory of her bestselling, Pulitzer Prize finalist The Plague of Doves, transporting readers to the Ojibwe reservation in North Dakota. It is an exquisitely told story of a boy on the cusp of manhood who seeks justice and understanding in the wake of a terrible crime that upends and forever transforms his family.

Presented by the Nevada County Community Library and the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools, Nevada County Reads and Writes is designed to deepen engagement in literature and community through reading and discussion.

Featured Program:

Wednesday, March 3, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Join us for a special reading by Shelly Covert of Home to Medicine Mountain, by Chiori Santiago. 
Shelly Covert is the Spokesperson for the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe, Tribal Council member and Executive Director for the California Heritage: Indigenous Research Project. This program is  in collaboration with the Nevada County Reads and Writes program.

Additional programming for this event continues throughout March, and includes:

  • Virtual Film Series and Discussion
  • Art for Mental Health and Resilience
  • Story Walks for Youth
  • CHIRP/Nisenan Cultural Programs
  • Conversations, Book Club, Writing Workshop

Event details, includes dates, times, and more registration information, can be found HERE.