Online Resource: New Portal for CA Grant Seekers

The California Grants Portal is a single (and unique!) website to find state grants and funding opportunities. You can search by type of grant or contract, your field of interest, the deadline for applications, and more.

*Please note: This is NOT the California Small Business Grants program that closed last week.

Creating this portal is a public policy win for nonprofits! In 2018 CalNonprofits sponsored a bill authored by Assemblymember (now Senator) Monique Limón to create this portal. Thanks to her support and the nonprofit community who spoke up, the bill passed and the California State Library got to work building it. Before this portal was created, nonprofits seeking state funding had to search through dozens of different state agencies without searchable sites.

Having better access to government funding is important for all nonprofits, but particularly for nonprofits in rural areas and in marginalized communities. And state agencies will benefit from having a wider and more diverse pool of nonprofits with which to contract. At the same time, there are still many obstacles for nonprofits in obtaining state funding. This is an important first step, but there are more steps that CalNonprofits will be addressing as we move forward.

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