Community Initiative Funding: Apps due 2/22/21

Community Initiative Funding (CIF) 2021-2022

The Nevada County Board of Supervisors, through the AFSC, anticipates the authorization of funding to facilitate projects and/or programs that address the key findings and recommendations identified in the 2020-2021 Community Action Plan through the issuance of Community Initiative Funds (CIF).

Respondents should be aware that CIF activities, as well as those of any CIF grantee, are subject to any modifications required by Federal, State or County legislation and their regulations. CIF funding will be contingent upon the Nevada County Board of Supervisors’ approval and fiscal resources.

The purpose of this RFP is to solicit from qualified non-profit applicants, proposals designed to promote the statewide priority of Family Self-Sufficiency identified in the 2020-21 Community Action Plan by mitigating root causes of poverty and ameliorating conditions of extreme poverty, for low-income Nevada County households.

It is estimated that the Community Initiative Funding (CIF) available under this RFP will total $30,000. Funds will be allocated on a one-time only basis to two separate projects at an amount not to exceed $15,000 each; the term of award is July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations. CIF funds are NOT intended to provide long-term support for a Project and may not be used to pay for administrative overhead costs, which includes staff and operating costs of the non-profit, or to supplant other funding sources. CIF funding must be targeted to very low-income residents, as identified in ATTACHMENT D of the RFP application.

The AFSC has identified and prioritized the Need for “Improving Household Income” in their review of Community Needs as set forth by the 2020-2021 Community Services Block Grant Community Action Plan (CSBG CAP). All proposals should address and clearly identify how household income of the recipients served will be directly improved. The CSBG CAP may found at .

A downloadable copy of the application is available here

The Application Deadline is February 22, 2021, no later than 12:00 P.M.

Proposals will be reviewed and scored by the AFSC Commission or their designees on March 4, 2021, at 9:00 AM, virtually at . This will be a public meeting and all applicants are encouraged to attend.

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