“Resilience Rising” Recordings Now Available

Resilience Rising, a live virtual conference held on November 2, 2020, brought together educators, mental health specialists, parents, and others from around the region, the state and beyond. The first-ever, day-long event attracted more than 800 registrants.

California Surgeon General and acclaimed researcher and author Dr. Nadine Burke Harris kicked off the conference with a keynote address focused on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research. Dr. Burke Harris shared data on ACEs and toxic stress stating, “We see ACEs happen in every community…ACEs are incredibly common.” She shared research findings on the long-term health, behavioral, and learning impacts of ACEs and the $112.5 billion annual health care cost due to this public health crisis. Dr. Burke Harris also offered hope in her message, and emphasized the importance of collaboration, stating, “There is a role for every single one of us to play…I believe that when we work together in a crosssector way we can cut ACEs and toxic stress in half in one generation.”

Dr. Burke was followed by local physician Dr. Dean Kelaita, who provided an overview of local statistics covering the long-term health outcomes related to ACEs. Participants chose among three tracks for the afternoon sessions. These tracks were individually catered to parents/caretakers, treatment professionals, and educators. Local experts shared programs, projects and support for understanding ACEs, toxic stress, trauma, and resilience.

Recordings of all sessions from the Resilience Rising conference have been posted to the CCOE website and can be accessed free of charge now at www.ccoe.k12.ca.us/resiliencerising.