NEO News: Giving Thanks, Having Fun!

This month our theme is “Give Thanks!” Despite there being much uncertainty and many challenges in the world right now, we still have so much to be thankful for, and we are using this month to reflect on the good things in our lives.

Here at NEO, we are thankful to be able to offer in-person programs again. Last month was awesome! It’s almost felt like old times offering in-person activities five days per week. All of our activities followed COVID guidelines to help keep everyone safe. Even with the extra distancing we were still able to have a lot of fun!

We are thankful for the in-person and virtual activities that we have coming up this month. Be sure to read the NEO Newsletter to learn about all the activities and how you can participate.

  • Registration is still open for the Virtual Thank You Card Workshop.
  • The Youth Hub at the Fairgrounds is open M-F from 8:15 am to 2 pm. No reservations are required; just drop in for high-speed internet and free breakfast and lunch.

Lastly, we are thankful for you! Our program wouldn’t be the same without you. We couldn’t do what we do without you and the excitement you bring to NEO. Thank you!