Nevada County News

California COVID-19 Updates

California has a new blueprint for reducing COVID-19 in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities. Find out how businesses and activities can open in counties statewide beginning on August 31.

The framework for this guidance is informed by increased knowledge of disease transmission vulnerabilities and risk factors and is driven by the following goals:

1)   To progress in phases based on risk levels with appropriate time between each phase in each county so impacts of any given change can be fully evaluated.
2)   To aggressively reduce case transmission to as low a rate as possible across the state so the potential burden of flu and COVID-19 in the late fall and winter does not challenge our healthcare delivery system’s ability to surge with space, supplies and staff.  Also, with winter weather pushing more activities indoors, low levels of transmission in the community will make large outbreaks in these riskier settings less likely.
3)   To simplify the framework and lay out clear disease transmission goals for counties to work towards. Read More

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