A Message from the Child Abuse Prevention Council Board

Good morning everyone,

We hope this finds you and your family safe.   We recognize that the challenges keep coming.

Since mid-March the Child Abuse Prevention Council Board has been busy working on ways to increase the impact and reach of the Community Support Network.  You might recall that we had to cancel our April showing of the movie Resilience.  We also put our monthly CSN Partner meetings, and even our weekly newsletter on hold as we focused on adapting our agencies and programs to new policies around COVID-19.

During this time the CAPC board has met regularly to regroup and strategize.  Our plan is to re-instate monthly Community Support Network Partner meetings via zoom in October or November.

The Be the One Campaign that we launched in December 2019, along with our plan to show the movie Resilience, must take a new form.  We believe we can show Resilience and hold a discussion via a remote method later in the year when we are not distracted by fires, lightning, and the start of the school year.

In the meantime, on Monday we sent out a link to an invitation by KPJR Films in London to view several of their films.  They began an international showing and discussion of Paper Tigers, Resilience, and Rethinking Dyslexia that started yesterday and runs through this Friday (see the post below).   The notice came late and in the midst of crisis here, but we want you to know that the CAPC board hopes to bring a similar opportunity for our community to discuss issues of trauma and resiliency and the well-being of our children.   The ability to foster and understand individual and community resiliency is more relevant than ever in 2020.   To put a mutual understanding into actionable plans to strengthen families and improve well-being for children in our community is more important than ever.

Stay tuned for articles from the CAPC board about CSN programming and for information from Child Welfare. We trust you are enjoying the return of the weekly e-newsletter and are finding it helpful.  If you have feedback or special announcements to include, please submit by 10:00 am on Mondays.