Nevada County News

Screenshot of Nevada County Coronavirus DashboardThe State of California has discovered an underreporting of COVID-19 cases due to technology issues with the electronic laboratory reporting system which reports into the state’s disease registry system (CalREDIE). Test results and patient care have not been affected or delayed by the issue.  The state is working to address the issue with the system and the disclaimer on Nevada County’s Coronavirus Dashboard will be removed once the issue has been solved.

While clinicians are still able to report to local health departments, this issue may impact a local public health department’s ability to receive all lab reports in order to case investigate and contact trace. It is important to remember that if you tested positive, please isolate in your home. Don’t forget to reach out to friends and family that you have come in close contact with so they know to quarantine. Find isolation diagnosed with COVID-19 and quarantine (close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19) guidance at

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released new guidance for youth sports and youth PE, allowing for modified activities. Adult non-professional sports are still not allowed at this time. The guidance provides guidance for all youth sports programs—including school-based, club, and recreational programs—to support a safe environment for players, coaches and trainers, families, spectators, event/program/facility managers, workers, and volunteers.

Nevada County Public Health has updated the local COVID guidance FAQ to reflect these changes, and CDPH has also released an FAQ for the guidance.

Other Nevada County News highlights include:

New COVID-19 Guidance for Youth Sports

Countywide Test of Emergency Alert System on August 12

OES Announces Ready Nevada County Dashboard

Nevada County Jobs

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