Distance Learning and Your Family

Logo for WarmLine Family Resources, Red Letters on white background with grey heartIt seems as though distance learning (DL) is going to be with us and our children for awhile. WarmLine has received many requests from parent regarding strategies for DL with their students. Their latest newsletter is chock full of information on DL from multiple sources.

Focus on Five: Tips for Parents for Home Learning

WarmLine is also offering a wide range of resources, workshops, and activities for families and community partners on a variety of topics from IEPs and college transitions for students with disabilities to family relaxation and infant CPR training. For more information, check out their website: http://www.warmlinefrc.org/.

WarmLine would love to hear how YOU are planning to tackle DL with your children. Please send comments — or questions —  to warmline@warmlinefrc.org or share on our “WarmLine Family” Facebook group.

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