UC Davis Recruiting Parents for Family Advisory Board

Bethney Bonilla, a research analyst at the UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research, is working with a clinical research team out of the UC Davis Department of Pediatrics on a research study on how the use of telehealth for treating injured children in the emergency room impacts the family experience.

Bonilla and her team need help recruiting parent representatives for a Family Advisory Board to advise the UC Davis clinical research team and ensure the patient and caregiver perspectives are understood by researchers. Tahoe Forest Hospital is one of the partners for this project, so they are particularly looking for parents/guardians in Truckee or Nevada County to serve on the study’s Family Advisory Board.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Parent representatives will advise the UC Davis clinical research team. Tasks include:

  • Participating in four meetings (online and in person) per year from 2020 to 2023
  • Offering feedback to improve clinician-patient communication
  • Reviewing research materials and providing feedback by email or phone

**No prior research experience needed.


  • Payment for time: approximately $800/year plus travel expenses
  • Covered childcare costs during meetings
  • Ensuring the patient and caregiver perspectives are understood by researchers

To learn more about this project, contact Bethney Bonilla at familyadvisoryboard@ucdavis.edu or go to https://bit.ly/3fo2D9N