CSN Partner Meeting~Dates of Upcoming Activities

March 4th Partner Meeting:

Thanks Eli Gallup for a great presentation on the Community Support Network survey data results. We also had a great networking session and suggestions.  More info coming – look for a summary with a list of action steps we are planning.

SAVE THESE DATES for Child Abuse Prevention Council community presentations and discussion – we have a lot planned for the next 3 months!  Join us.

The following are confirmed dates for our upcoming activities:

  • April 1, 2020 Community Support Network MeetingChild Welfare Services Presentation by Nick Ready and Mimi Greminger from CWS Nevada County – they will provide an update on services and what’s new in Child Welfare.
  • April Tuesday, 28th 10 to 12 at Sierra Cinema – CAPC has organized a showing of “Resilience,” a movie about ACES and the restorative power of resilience
  • May 6, 2020 Community Support Network Meeting – As a follow up to the showing of Resilience, we will have a “Be the One – Round 2” – A chance for action and information to make a difference in our community.
  • June 3, 2020 Community Support Network Meeting – Agency Roundtable and Info Share– What is New at Your Agency or Non-Profit or Organization?  How are you incorporating Trauma Informed Practices for clients, staff, and self?  Let’s complement each other’s efforts.