What: Safe Taxi – New Year’s Morning GWC , the Coalition for Nevada County Youth, and Gold Country Cab & Courier in Grass Valley are teaming up for the 8th year to provide rides to local residents to reduce the amount of impaired drivers on the roads.
Where: Nevada County
When: Wednesday, January 1, 2020, 12:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.!
Why: To save lives…and because December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.
How: Call (530) 274-TAXI (8294) Gold Country Cab for Grass Valley, Nevada City, and surrounding areas and mention Granite Wellness
During the holiday season, and year round, it is important that we celebrate safely by not driving under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs. We are all familiar with the terrible consequences of driving under the influence yet an often overlooked and ever growing issue, especially in teens and young adults, is the issue of drugged driving. Drugs, even those prescribed by a physician, can impair perception, judgment, motor skills, and memory.
New and young drivers are the most at-risk for crashes on the roads and are at risk for the most harmful effects of drug and use. As teens take to the roads, parents can take action by talking about the dangers of drunk, drugged, and distracted driving. It’s important that our youngest drivers learn how to drive safely and make healthy choices.
Drunk and drugged driving related accidents are totally preventable. Renew your commitment to drive safely and act responsibly. In fact, more and more Americans are driving safely: the number of impaired driving-related deaths dropped to a record low in California in 2010, according to the report released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This represents the largest single-year decline in DUI fatalities in the last 15 years.
However, there are 10,000 people who won’t be home for the holidays because they lost their lives this year in substance-impaired driving crashes in the United States.
- In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. (NHTSA)
- Of the 1,070 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2014, 209 (19%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver. (NHTSA)
- Of the 209 child passengers ages 14 and younger who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2014, over half (116) were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol-impaired driver.(FBI)
Impaired driving doesn’t just affect the individual behind the wheel, it affects other drivers on the road and, in turn, hurts the entire community. Some Tips: - Designate a sober driver before celebrations begin.
- Do Not provide or serve alcohol to those under the age of 21, whether at home or a retail outlet. It is against the law.
- Plan safe parties, including providing non-alcoholic drink options to guests and do not serve alcohol the last hour of the gathering.
- Be prepared to get everyone home safe in case your plans or individual circumstances change.