Seats still available at the Sierra Region Learning Community Convening

What: Sierra Region Learning Community Convening – Best Practices in Trauma Informed Care: Self-Care and Peer Programs that Support Agency and Community Resilience

When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019, Registration and Networking from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Program from 9:30 am – 12:30 p.m.

Where: In-person at Amador County Child Abuse Prevention Center in Jackson, at remote sites in Mammoth Lakes, Bishop, and Loyalton, or individually from your personal computer!


Download the flyer here.

Together we will:
· Learn the value of self-care programs to agency staff and program participants.
· Identify achievable actions to integrate self-care programs into your agency.
· Review self-care concepts from Peer Support programs that can be applied to new and existing staff.
· Commit to making one or two changes to programs to integrate self-care concepts.
· Practice self-care concepts that can be applied locally in agencies and programs.

Featured Speakers:
Doty Shepard, Director, Resilient Colorado, (remote) will share tools for self-care that can not only be used to lift ourselves, but also incorporated into peer support programs. Doty will emphasize the importance of self-care, helping us to be the best for the people we serve.

Vanessa Compton, Peer Personal Services Coordinator Amador County Behavioral Health, will present concepts from the WRAP program (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), as well as her Life Works self-empowerment workshop, that can be applied to self-care for staff and program participants.

Schuyler Bright, C-IAYT, Registered Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapist, and Founder and Director of the Holistic Trauma Recovery Institute (remote) will provide us with concrete ideas for self-care activities we can integrate into our work and home life.