Learn more about California children’s living arrangements

Thank you to KidsData.org for this information.

Learn more about California children’s living arrangements by visiting KidData’s re-designed Family Structure topic. New and updated data include expanded information about family demographics and housing situations:

The first three sets of data are available for counties, cities, school districts, and legislative districts. The last set of data is available by race/ethnicity and other breakouts.

No matter the family configuration, having at least one reliable and supportive connection with an adult is associated with positive long-term emotional and physical health outcomes for children. A vulnerable population that may be at particular risk of lacking this connection are youth who do not live with parents or other relatives in a stable home environment. About 10 percent of California 7th graders in 2015-2017 did not live in their parents’ or other relatives’ home. Programs and policies that foster relationship development, from promoting responsible fatherhood to expanding home visiting programs, help ensure that all children have a safe and stable home environment.

Learn more about Family Structure »