Extended to Mar. 8 ~ StoryCorps Applications to Nevada County Library

Thanks to the Mar. 1 edition of Nevada County News, from the office of County CEO Alison Lehman, for this info.

StoryCorps, a national nonprofit committed to recording the stories of everyday people, is partnering with the Nevada County Community Library to record and preserve the stories of our community.

On March 26th, 27th and 28th at the Madelyn Helling Library, StoryCorps will be recording Nevada County residents’ conversations with a family member, friend, or colleague. Participants will have 40 minutes of uninterrupted time to talk to each other about ties that they have with another person and anything else that is meaningful to them. StoryCorps will record the conversation and, with the participants’ permission, archive it at the Library of Congress so it will be preserved for future generations.  Interviews will also be shared with our community. Participants and conversation partners will both be provided with a recorded copy of the conversation.

The deadline to submit an application to participate in StoryCorps has been extended to March 8th. There are only 15 slots for interviews, so a selection committee will choose the participants.

More Information