Feb. 6 ~ FREE SNCS workshop “Trauma Informed Self Care Practices”

Thanks to Lucia Stewart, Training Coordinator, Sierra Nevada Children’s Services, for this info. Here’s the flyer: SNCS-TI Self Care Practices-Feb 6

Sierra Nevada Children’s Services is hosting a free workshop called Trauma Informed Self Care Practices. Anyone is welcome to attend, however priority registration is for child care providers.

WHAT ~ Trauma Informed Self Care Practices, a childcare provider workshop with presenter: Schuyler Bright, CAS, C-IAYT, CMT, CDVSAC. Learn…

  • What it means to be trauma informed
  • Why self care is important and how to inspire it in others
  • What makes trauma informed self care and movement unique
  • Five tools that you can take home and try for yourself

WHEN ~ Wednesday, Feb 6, 6:30-8:30pm

WHERE ~ Sierra Nevada Children’s Services, 420 Sierra College Dr, Ste 100, Grass Valley, CA

REGISTER ~ CARegistry.org or contact Lucia Stewart at (530) 272-8866 x225 or lucias@sncs.org

FREE ~ The training is free and light refreshments will be provided. Priority registration for childcare providers.