Starts Jan. 18 ~ A workshop series about the nature of true consent called “Love, Lust and Romance in the Age of #MeToo”

Schuyler Bright, of CSN Partner organization Holistic Trauma Recovery, is co-facilitating a workshop series about the nature of true consent called “Love, Lust and Romance in the Age of #MeToo.” The other facilitator is Veronica Monet, ACS.

Info from Schuyler is below and here’s the flyer: Love,Lust,Romance in the age of #MeToo

WHAT ~ Love, Lust and Romance in the Age of #MeToo. This will be a mixed gender workshop that will share techniques for saying your “no” while creating more heart connection. Most assertion trainings don’t address our deep desire not to offend others. And most healthy boundary teachings don’t show us how to create more connection while saying no. We need more than #MeToo if we are going to get to a future where both men and women can feel safe and seen and invited to express our desire as well as our boundaries.

How do we do that? That’s the question we are going to wrestle with. And we will do far more than explore that question.

Here are the Specific Tools you will obtain from participating in this group:

  • Communication that creates connection and empathy even when the answer is no. This is called the Exquisite Partnership Formula™.
  • Proven ways to interrupt your angry outbursts while staying connected to the wisdom of your rage. Your feelings are your compass. We will teach you how to feel your feelings, access your wisdom and refrain from negative behaviors.
  • Healing from sexual abuse requires specific steps. We both know those steps intimately as both a rape recovery coach and a sexual assault survivor. We will help you chart your own path toward reclaiming your sexual joy and wholeness.
  • Yoga for Healing Trauma  & mindfulness exercises that you can do every day in the privacy of your home.

We are going to meet for four Fridays for two hours each week. The last half hour of every workshop will be devoted to yoga for trauma recovery. Our intention is to make sure you leave class each week feeling renewed and fully in your body.

WHEN & WHERE ~ Fridays from 6PM to 8PM – January 18 & 25, February 1 & 8. In downtown Nevada City, CA.

TUITION ~ The four-week workshop is $120. Registration closes January 16th at 8PM.

REGISTRATION ~ If you want to join us, call Veronica at 415.407.2932. We will only be accepting about a dozen people into this workshop so you can’t pre-register online. Veronica wants to speak directly with everyone.