Dec. 8 ~ KARE’s “Santa’s Christmas Shoppe”

KARE Xmas tree

Thanks to Lynn Woerner, Executive Director, KARE Crisis Nursery, for this info. Here’s the flyer: KARE-2018 Christmas Shoppe flyer-CSN

FOR ~ Children ages 3 to 10

WHAT ~ Children can shop for parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. Each child: bring your list of up to 8 items. All items are 25 cents each. Fun provided by the KARE Crisis Nursery and Sierra Presbyterian Church.

WHEN ~ December 8, 2018. As always, doors will be open early (9:00 am) for children served by CSN agencies & organizations or any other families in need.  At 10:00, the general public is welcome and Santa’s Christmas Shoppe is open until 1:00 pm.

WHERE ~ Sierra Presbyterian Church, Ridge Road, Nevada City

INFO ~ 530- 265-0693