Nov. 5 ~ First 5 Family Cafés

Thanks to Sandi Hedenland, Administrative Assistant, First 5 Nevada County, for this info. Here’s the flyer: Family Cafes Flyer-Sept Oct Nov 2018

Here’s the note from Sandi…

A new series of Family Cafés begins soon and will meet every other Monday September 10-November 5.  These are a great place for families to meet, connect and share ideas.  We offer free transportation, food and prizes at every café.  Please distribute the flyer to any family that you think might like to come.  Also feel free to share with other providers that seem appropriate.

Questions? Sandi Hedenland, (530) 274-5361,

  • WHAT ~ First 5 Family Cafés
  • WHEN ~ Mondays, 10-11:30 am, Sept. 10 & 24, Oct. 8 & 22, Nov. 5
  • WHERE ~ Sierra Nevada Children’s Services, 420 Sierra College Drive #100, Grass Valley
  • INFO & TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT ~ or 530-274-5361. Please call if you need transportation so we can arrange it.