Strategies 2.0 Survey Results & Next Learning Community Meeting ~ Sept. 27

Thanks to Barbara DeLorenzo DeGraaf, Sierra Learning Community Facilitator, Strategies 2.0, for this info. Here’s the note from Barb…

Many of you responded to the survey prioritizing topics for the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 18-19 Learning Communities.  Thank you for your feedback!

The number one topic selected was a Series on Building Resiliency.  Closely following were the topics below:

  1. a Series on Building Resiliency
  2. Trauma Informed Agencies
  3. Mental Health/Wraparound Services
  4. Domestic Violence Interventions
  5. Creative Child Abuse Awareness Month Campaigns

Since many of these topics overlap, I will work to include as much information as I can from each area into the Resiliency Series.

Our first Learning Community will be held on Thursday, September 27th.  Please save the date.

Matthew Reddam,  from Trauma Transformed, will present on the the Trauma Informed Systems approach to building resilience.   We will learn about  tools to assess agency resilience, including client and staff self-care, as well as ideas forbuilding community resilience.    Matthew is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and he has experience working in urban and rural communities.  Registration will open soon.

Please contact me if you are interested in hosting a remote site for this event.

Thanks again for your support and interest in the Learning Community project!


Barbara DeLorenzo DeGraaf, Sierra Learning Community Facilitator, Strategies 2.0, Direct:  530 573 1992 or Cell:  609 516 9872,