Strategies 2.0 | Free Trainings In-Person and Learning Community Convenings In-Person & Online ~ Ongoing

Following is info from the Strategies 2.0 website. This is a wonderful resource with free trainings available in-person, and Learning Community Convenings in-person at main hubs, at remote locations, and sometimes online. The trainings and LCCs are on many topics of interest to people in the family strengthening field.

Strategies 2.0 offers free training, consultation, peer learning, and other professional development opportunities both in-person and online. Our services are designed to help organizations and individuals develop the skills, organizational structure, and collaborative relationships necessary to mitigate the risk factors of child abuse and neglect in California.

Thanks to funding from the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP), we are able to offer our services free of charge to the family strengthening field.

Strategies 2.0 facilitates a statewide network of six distinct, geographically defined Learning Communities collectively encompassing all 58 California counties. Each Learning Community is designed to connect members and allies of the child abuse prevention field, and facilitate a more collaborative and consistent prevention dialogue throughout the state.

Strategies 2.0 has an experienced member of the prevention field in each region serve as the designated Learning Community Facilitator (LCF). The LCF is tasked with convening a meeting once per quarter to support the development of shared priorities, regional learning goals, and ongoing communication among the field and Strategies 2.0.

Participation is not limited to family resource centers, child abuse prevention councils, and child welfare agencies. Learning Communities are a forum for cross-sector partners to learn about and connect with regional family strengthening efforts. Participants are encouraged to explore ways to collaborate across their respective fields and communities.

We encourage everyone, regardless of professional affiliation, to participate in local child abuse prevention activities. To find out more, visit our training page and consulting page, join your local Learning Community, and subscribe to our enewsletter.

Upcoming webinars ~

Upcoming trainings that can be attended in-person ~

Upcoming Learning Community Convenings that can be attended in-person at main hubs, at remote locations, and sometimes from your computer (if there is that option, “online” will be listed in the “Upcoming Sessions” for that convening in registration) ~

Nevada County is technically in the Sierra Learning Community, but we are also close to the Capital Learning Community, so it’s worth paying attention to in-person trainings for both.